Day 31 – Oklahoma City, OK – Amarillo, TX

Day 31 was a day of epic rain! EPIC! Thunder, lightning and massive puddles on Route 66!

You might remember El Reno from our previous post! But we had to re-visit El Reno at the start of our day!
This was an endless bridge that we drove over! It covered a very small river but a much larger marshy area!

This was a small puddle (we drove through much bigger and scarier ones) that we had to drive through! Okay, Sigrid just wanted to play in the puddles!

Each town has their own style for how they celebrate Route 66! Weatherford has good game!
Sadly the National Route 66 Museum was closed!
Another neat old bridge! This photo also shows the rain and how the old timey Route 66 path sometimes parallels the more modern interstate highway!
This woulda been a cool neon sign to see at night! Sadly we drove by during the daylight hours!
Another cool mural!
It took us a while to find this restaurant and it had been on our to do list! Google maps said it was open, the restaurant was closed! Bummer! Last thing to do before…
…no fancy sign but still it’s State #23!
Yes! There is a Shamrock, TX! We stopped for a Mexican lunch, ahem!
They have a piece of the Blarney Stone in Shamrock, TX! We visited Blarney Castle on a prior journey! See our Table of Contents above to find the link to that post!
An epic refurbished gas station in Shamrock!

We drove past it and took a video for you all to enjoy!

More mural!
A refurbished but very very old gas station!
Another old gas station that’s been less refurbished and less cared for!
From 1930!
All over OK and TX, we’ve seen hundreds over very large windmills! We knew to expect them, but there are more than we expected!
The famous leaning tower of Groom, TX! Yes, it’s leaning on purpose!
Bug Ranch! Remember this place, it’s meant to mock something we’ll see tomorrow!

E has a message for you all!

Yep! Those are buried VW Bugs! The artist and caretakers have left cans of spray paint with which visitors can leave their impact on the cars!
A structure near the Bugs that visitors have painted as well!
E with a different type of car that has been painted as well!
We recognize that RVs are in short supply as Covid travelers have taken to the road! But the home made RV might be a bridge too far! This was only one of many that we’ve seen on the roads!
Just to the east of Amarillo is The Big Texan Motel and Steak Ranch! Damn right we’re staying there! Just like Wall, SD, these signs are everywhere! Please note the free 72oz steak challenge!
The view from our motel room!
Part of the motel!
More of the motel! There is an RV park as well and accommodations for truckers!
This place is straight kitsch and we loved every minute of it!
Why the big dinosaur? Why ask why?
Dinner time! Please join us!
All you have to do to get a free 72 oz steak is to eat 4 lbs of beef, a garden salad, a baked potato, bread roll with butter and shrimp cocktail! Oh and you have to eat all of it in one hour!
The owner of The Big Texan is a big beer guy and it shows! Everything we tried was very good!
Our taster!
Other beers we tried – the Amber and an IPA!
Some of the decor in the waiting area outside the restaurant!
More decor! The gentleman in the hat is an employee, not part of the kitsch!
The view of the dining room from our upstairs table!

They really make a spectacle of attempts to make the 72oz steak challenge!

End of day odometer – 7,162 (268 miles driven)

Total miles driven on trip – 6,515 miles

2 thoughts on “Day 31 – Oklahoma City, OK – Amarillo, TX

  1. There is so much to take in on this post. Great job capturing the Americana the pride so many businesses have taken in keeping Route 66 alive. I like the steak challenge clip….the guy standing next to the table had a shirt that said “if you can read this, you are standing too close”. I need to find one of those. Seriously amazing job with the photoblog.


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