Day 14 – Duluth, MN to Green Bay, WI

About a mile into our drive we crossed into State #10
A holy place for football fans!
Lambeau Field is across the street from this place!
This place!
C’mon you knew they served up the good stuff! With Lambeau in the background!
Our waiter was 19! We kept asking him about beers and he’d run off and bring tasters of things to try! I don’t think we paid for even half of it. He earned every penny of his large gratuity!
The streets around Lambeau are named for some of their all-time greats! The Super Bowl trophy is named after Coach Lombardi!
The Minister of Defense!
Super Bowl winning coach!
Quite the intersection of Super Bowl winning coaches! And former 49ers coaches as well!
An early NFL starr (not a typo)!
Look up gunslinger in the dictionary and there is a picture of…

End of day odometer – 4,352 (346 miles driven)

Total miles driven on trip – 3,705 miles

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