Day 11 Part 2 – Rapid City, SD – Sioux Falls, SD

Last we left you in Part 1, we were in in Wall, SD. We continued driving Eastward and stopped for a quick bite to eat. But we needed another break on this long driving day. E found exactly what we needed. Let us introduce you to Porter Sculpture Park and Wayne Porter, a self-taught sculptor. He bought some land in Montrose, SD, to feature his artwork while he waits for his cows to fatten up and for his corn to grow tall.

He’s an eccentric guy as you will see from his art and his poetry. But his heart is gold and his stuff is definitely worth stopping for. At only $10 per person, it’s a bargain to witness all of his hardwork. Some of it makes you think. Some of it makes you a bit teary. And all of it is a great big giggle.

This is as good an intro to Wayne Porter as you will get! This sign greeted us in the parking lot!
A buzzard with a knife and fork! Get it!?
Cod skeleton with umbrellas! This makes no sense until we tell you that there is a poem that goes with this exhibit talking about taking a shower with a fish holding an umbrella! The poem didn’t photograph well.
Pandora’s Box + Jack in the Box = this exhibit!
Guardian #1!
Guardian #2! Of what you ask?
Guarding this!

E doesn’t like spiders, but she liked this exhibit!
The fish bowl was one of our favorites!
This was a very powerful exhibit! The woman cleaning up the floor is sweeping up pieces of herself! Speaks to the impact that this kind of work has on a person!
A different take on sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil!
The boars are genetically the same! Related! But they will fight each other on sight! The sculptor asks, what’s wrong with people that behave the same?
Even the T-Rex has to stop to smell the flowers?
The antelope plays the saxophone while nude maidens dance around him!
Wasp with a fly swatter?
Fish smelling the flowers? Birds yakking to each other? And a monkey?
One of S’s favorites!
A mechanical horse! Every bit as big as the bull head that you saw above!

End of day odometer – 3,438 (413 miles driven)

Total miles driven on trip – 2,791 miles

3 thoughts on “Day 11 Part 2 – Rapid City, SD – Sioux Falls, SD

  1. funny as heck…what an imagination this guy has, a sense of humor, and gift of art. Who would of thought about this in the middle of S. Dakota. 😉


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