Day 5 – Riggins, ID – Coeur D’Alene, ID

Day 5 started with more time zone madness.  Not really.  There is a bridge just north of Riggins that the locals call the time zone bridge.  North of the bridge is the Pacific Time Zone and south of the bridge is the Mountain Time Zone.  We drove both ways to capture the signage. The people of this area take this stuff seriously, so we did too!

Driving north…
…driving south with the bridge in the background
As if one needed more proof of how seriously this is taken!

We somehow missed the one coffee shop open early in Riggins, but found a cute drive through coffee shack a few miles down the road.  It made us a bit homesick as S’s oldest niece just started working as a barista and the seemingly high school aged woman working in the drive through must have been the same age.  Our Americanos with steamed milk were done to perfection and very hot!

A bit further up the road, we got super close to Washington State, maybe a half mile, but true to our mission, we stayed en route to Coeur D’Alene (CDA).  Though we easily could have added another state (25th per our itinerary).

Squiggly light blue line is Sigrid, while the light gray horizontal line is the border between Idaho and Washington state

We also passed a very large lumber yard.  The raw logs were being watered to keep them fresh.  Sadly we missed the photo of the finished lumber sheets but you can see steam from the lumber mill in the background.

That’s just one photo! The mounds of logs kept going and going!

After finishing our drive to CDA, we went for a long walk around Lake Coeur D’Alene.  Another vacation hot spot that attracts tourists from California, Oregon, Washington state, Montana and Southern Idaho.  We found a neat lunch spot and learned that CDA is a haven for California refugees.  Our waitress from lunch and from dinner were both from California.

And this is just one angle of the lake from CDA proper. The Lake has many fingers with more beaches and visitors. More from CDA in our next post.

End of day odometer – 2,020  (237 miles driven)

Total miles driven on trip – 1,373 miles

3 thoughts on “Day 5 – Riggins, ID – Coeur D’Alene, ID

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