Day 0 – Some Road Trip Details

After 18 months of sabbatical and 15 months of Covid lockdown, we have decided to embark on a 47-day driving trip around the US.  Generically, we’re going to hit some states that we haven’t been to before and make some adjustments to the usual Route 66 itinerary from Chicago to Santa Monica.  For the exact itinerary, you’ll have to follow along to this blog.  Please subscribe by hitting the Follow button in the bottom corner of your screen…enter your email address and you will receive a notification with all our new posts.

Different than what we’ve done in the past, this will be a photo heavy series of blog postings.  Easier to peruse for you and easier to post for us.

Please allow us to introduce you to the newest member our family.  She’s Swedish and blonde.  Of course, I’m talking about our new Volvo.  We’ve named her Sigrid, which means victory, beautiful, wisdom.  We agree…she’s all three!

Yep, blinded by the sun. But focus on Sigrid.

Odomoter reading before we began was 647 miles.

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