And We Are Off!

Although we are writing this from our hotel room on the fourth day of our adventure (Chiang Mai, Thailand), its not too late to write a kick off the trip post, right?.  In reality, the dimensions of this trip – the full duration and the distance we will travel – hasn’t hit us yet.  It still feels like one of our typical vacation trips.  We’re still in the honeymoon phase of our trip, so….Yep, a kick off post still feels appropriate.

For the Southeast Asia portion of our journey, a few numbers that might help dimension our travels the next few months…7 countries, 15 flights, 3 overnight trains, 27 different hotels, 1 overnight junk boat and 3 villages for overnight stays.  Not to mention a couple of long train rides and many, many long bus rides.

We are especially excited for the handful of prop plane rides intra-Myanmar.  Yay!

We hope that you’ll follow us periodically on our journey and we hope to post more frequently with fun stories, our adventures and some miscellaneous thoughts.

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